What to Expect
Here is the timeline of a typical service:
When you arrive you meet a greeter at the door. The greeter will hand you a bulletin/program and ask if this is your first time joining us. If so, then they will provide you with a guest card and ask you to fill it out. The purpose of the guest card is to provide us with a record of your attendance. Also, we will use the card to send you a short welcome email later in the week. Don't worry we will only send the one email and we will not add your email to any of our church distribution lists.
10:15- The Pastors come up and will welcome everyone and share the church announcements.
10:20- We will have a moment of silence to contemplate and ready our hearts for worship.
10:21- A church member will come up and read a scripture (usually from the Book of Psalm) and offer a prayer for the church,
10:25- Worship will begin. The worship team will come up and begin to lead the congregation in praise. Typically we sing three songs. Everyone is free to worship how they see fit. This means they can stand, sit, raise their hands in the air, or with their arms by their side. This is your time to sing to God.
10:40- The worship team will release the congregation for a small break. During this time parents can take their children to the children center and those in attendance can greet one another.
10:50- The pastors will ask the congregation to make their way back to their seats and they will begin to deliver a sermon. The sermon, or message, will be based on a scripture from the Bible. The purpose of the sermon is to proclaim and to explain to the congregation what the Bible says.
11:30- The sermon is closed with a prayer and the pastors invite the worship team up to lead the congregation out with one song.
11:35- The worship team gives the final blessing and releases the church.
Note: The sermon, announcements, and scripture reading are all done through consecutive interpreting. For example, Pastor Chris will read a scripture and then Pastor Hiroya will read the same scripture in Japanese. Some people may find this distracting, but we believe that this is the best way to ensure that everyone understands God's word. Also, we believe that this extra time allows for the congregation to really think about what is being shared from God's Word.
10:15- 牧師が登場し、皆さんを歓迎し、教会からのお知らせを共有します。
10:20- 黙想の時を持ち、礼拝への心の準備をします。
10:21- 教会員が登場し、聖句(通常、詩篇から)を読み、教会のために祈りを捧げます。
10:25- 礼拝開始。10:25- 礼拝開始 礼拝チームが登場し、会衆をリードして賛美を始める。通常、3曲歌います。礼拝の仕方は自由です。つまり、立ったり、座ったり、手を上げたり、腕を横に置いたりすることができます。神様に向かって歌う時間です。
10:40- 礼拝チームは会衆を解放し、小休憩に入ります。この間、親は子供をキッズセンターに連れて行き、出席者は互いに挨拶することができます。
10:50- 牧師は会衆に席に戻るように促し、説教を始めます。説教(メッセージ)は、聖書の聖句に基づいて行われます。説教の目的は、聖書が語っていることを宣べ伝え、会衆に説明することである。
11:30- 説教は祈りで閉じられ、牧師は賛美チームを招き、一曲で会衆を先導する。
11:35- 礼拝チームが最後の祝福を与え、教会を解放する。